Live host deployment

Creating a host file

You’ll need to tell Ansible how to connect to your host. There are multiple ways to do this. The easiest for our purposes is to create a manifest file.

Create a file with a name like myhost.cfg that follows the pattern:

twitcher.demo ansible_ssh_user=twitcher ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=5555

You may leave off the ansible_ssh_host setting if the hostname is real. However, when doing early provisioning, it’s often not available. ansible_ssh_port is only required if you want to use a non-standard ssh port. ansible_ssh_user should be the login id on the remote machine. That user must have sudo rights.

Running your playbook

$ ansible-playbook --ask-sudo-pass -i myhost.cfg playbook.yml

The --ask-sudo-pass option instructs Ansible to ask for your user password when it uses sudo for provisioning. It’s not required if the remote user has password-less sudo rights.